Monday, 26 May 2008

Return to civilization

I am now back in the real world of shopping and gossip :-) This was my outfit on Friday. I was trying to look respectable as I was going shopping for the bank holiday weekend, which included lots of beer for the boyfriend and his pals. I am way, way over the legal age for buying alcohol but I've been asked for ID loads of times recently and always forget to carry any. Unfortunately the outfit has more than a touch of department store shop assistant about it!

Dress old Topshop, cardigan Primark, sandals New Look.

And for anyone confused by the last post, the wearing of orange in the field is not a fashion choice but a health and safety requirement. I was being a marshall at a sporting event the boyfriend was taking part in. My outfits for the weekend consisted of muddy jeans, layers of fleece, wellie boots, and an orange padded coat the size of a hot air balloon, lovely!

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