Thursday, 15 May 2008

Rebel without coordination

I'm sure I'm committing a style faux pas by combining brown and black leather (or pleather in the case of the jacket) but hey:

Dress Topshop, top and boots H&M, jacket some random brand from TKmax.


Times of Glory said...

Hi, I love neutral colour mix. Chloe always does so for its runway show... I think the combination make the outfit cuter and you look great in!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Great look. I like every piece and those grey tights are divine, especially with the boots.

Tavi said...

I like it a lot!! An excellent look, definitely play with it more because you could come up with some REALLY great stuff. Those boots are absolutely fantastic.

onyx feather said...

Like your blog Adri!
Great tweedy-ish dress! Do you mind me asking where you got it?

Adri said...

Thanks guys :-)

The dress isn't actually tweedy, it's a small-scale 70's ish pattern in black, grey, and orange. I'll try and get a close up to add to the post. It's originally from Topshop a few years ago, but I actually got this one from ebay as I had originally bought a UK 10 when I really needed an 8.